Things with Dixie have been going very well! I just read up on my last post to this blog and I'll start by updating everybody (if there are a lot of you...I seriously doubt that :) ) with what was going on then.
After my dentist appointment, I went and just hung out with her. I wanted to show her that we won't always work everytime I bring her in. I braided her mane that day, did a little groundwork (not even enough to count as work) and then went outside to sit with her in the field while she grazed. That was my plan anyways, she refused to eat any of the grass and preceded to bug me about giving her treats. I gave in. I couldn't help it, she's too cute. It was a good day, I'm glad I did it.
I did ended up doing the passenger lessons on our next ride. It went ok. I was a little nervous about giving up all of the reins and she was pretty confused about what we were doing. I'll try it again at some point, I really think it will help us.
I have, since my last post, started my lessons with Dixie. I am so happy I did too! I love having somebody there who can see what I'm doing and help me to improve. I have done about three lessons and Dixie has already improved her backing up, spirals, and we have just started side-passing. We side-passed ten feet on our last lesson!! I was so happy. Of course it was towards the gate but it's definite start!
That's about it for me and Dixie. I have been thinking a lot about buying her lately and my only concern is her and college financially...I worry a lot about that. After getting some advice and talks from the forum and talking with my mother, I have settled a bit about this. If and when I do buy her, it will be next year so for now I'm just enjoying riding her and not worrying a whole lot about it. It is of course still in the back of my head.
We also have a trail ride next wednesday that we'll be going on. I'll actually try to get pictures this time!!
My Walkabout
Well, my walkabout has kind of collapsed or at least it feels that way.
I had planned on going to California for a month in November or December. It's a wild horse sanctuary and they have a work study program. They just e-mailed me today informing me that my dates are out of their season. I had talked to them earlier about my dates and they gave me no reason to doubt this so I'm quite fustrated. I sent them a very professional e-mail expressing my fustration with this so I feel a lot better right now.
I am now on the search for an internship.
So far, these are all the prospects for my walkabout starting in September and ending in December. I graduate at the end of December.
- Local Therapeutic Riding Stable - The lady that I've been talking to sounds wonderful and it seems to be a full-go for me volunteering. I should be able to start this in mid-September and keep with that for at least a 6-8 weeks until I find my second one. I would even love to continue volunteering afterwards.
- Trail Riding Place in Indiana - I went trail riding at this place for my 17th birthday. He basically offered me a paid internship. I, of course, could not get paid during my internship for my school but I am curious if I could bring Dixie with me and it could be a work for board type thing. That would be wonderful although I'm not even sure if I could bring her or if I could do this in the dates that I need to do it. I mean, how busy in November and December really for trail riding? Not too busy, I'm guessing.
- Numerous Ranches that I have not yet contacted - I have found quite a few of ranches located in the west. I need to contact them with my details and hope for the best. Most of the places are dude/guest ranches so they have rates and everything for the lodges and "experience". I am hoping that it could be like a job thing without the pay and more learning on my side as I have never been on a ranch with cows. I am very willing to learn though!