Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just Me...and the Animals name is Annie. I am 17 years old, I'll be turning 18 however in July. I am a Senior in high school, due to credit reasons I will not be graduating until December 2008. I am perfectly fine with this, well, I was upset at first and it can be hard some days but overall, it is ok and I actually find it quite relieving. Personality-wise, I am very laid-back and easy to get along with. I'd rather have a small group of close friends over a big bunch of popular "friends" anyday. I like the small things in life and I hate big gestures from guys. I am also a picky eater. I think that about sums me up.

I am a definite animal lover and I will always remain one. Currently I have one dog, two guinea pigs, two gerbils, and one rabbit. These animals are a huge part of my life.

Snooky, my dog, is 14 years old. He is by all means my baby, I would do anything to protect him. We adopted him from the local humane society when I was 4 years old and we've been together ever since. He is a poodle/shepherd/terrier mix...his hair is a fuzzy mess and it never really looks just right but we love him anyways.

The two piggies are Tank and Party. They are both going on 5 years old. Party is a tri-color Aby and Tank is just a plain old brown english. He makes up for his lack of color in personality though. I have always had a guinea pig...I got my first one when I was around 4 or 5 years old from my uncle. I named him Mo and I was devastated when he died a few years later. We then got Rosa, she was awesome. She never ran away or peed on me, which is quite unusual for guinea pigs. Oh well, you learn to deal with it, at least it's not horse poop, your lap would be convered!

The gerbils are Maud-Dib and Duncan Idaho. I have no idea which one is which, they are identical and I mean completely and utterly identical. I got them when they were 2 1/2 years old from a forum friend who needed to get rid of her furry animals. We drove half the way (2 1/2 hours) to meet her at a McDonalds and pick up the gerbils. I have been taking care of them ever since and I can honestly say that I am shocked that they are still alive today, they are also pushing 5 years old. I have never met a gerbil that lived this long. Oh yes, that's another thing, I have had two gerbils before this, Golden and Speedy...not that that was important, I just felt the need to add that in.

Allister is my rabbit. He is the most outgoing and lovable rabbit that I have ever met. We had one rabbit before him, she was our first. Her name was Smokey and she was a Netherland Dwarft. She died at 5 years old due to a stroke, she was a sweetheart and I miss her very much. Allister is a full-size Rex and he is around 3 years old. His coloring is called Black Otter I believe. There is never a dull moment with Allister, he is always up to something and if he's not, that's when you need to worry. He has a strange fetish for phonebooks, he's had one ever since he came to us. First thing he found was the phonebook and he went to town.

Besides the animals being a huge part of my life. I do have another more exciting social life. I am part of a group of friends. The group consists of 7 girls (two of them are in and out) and four guys (one is a older "member" but has been moving forward with graduating and such and then two others only hang out with us during lunch and occasionally outside of school...we only have one guy that is usually always with us). I make this sound all formal, it's really not, we're just a big bunch of friends who love going to the park and swinging singing "Build Me Up, Buttercup!" at the top of our lungs! I love all of my friends no matter how ridiculous they can be.

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