Saturday, November 29, 2008


So per ImaBronsonBear's request, this will all of my pictures that you haven't seen! And I'm holding you to that sugar and spice!

And yeah I agree with you too, slow cantering can be really nice just going down the trail. It's very relaxing :)

Dixie sporting the very fashionable winter hat...

And now we have Dixie sporting my brand "new" saddle...

A cute picture of two best friends :)

And for the finale, we have what Dixie does best; eating...

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's been a long time!

This is a horrible habit of mine, I tend to start diaries and/or journals and then lose interest. I am determined to not lose interest in this blog! I love typing and talking about Dixie, what reason do I have to not update it?!

Life has been kind of busy lately though. School obviously comes first and I'm trying my hardest to actually successfully pass this year, I'm so sick of being in high school. Granted I only went a semester over my original graduation year, it's still too much. And then to add on the stress and to take away more of time, I have to work to support Dixie. So whenever I'm not at school, I've got 16 hours of working to do. Finally, when I'm not at school or working, I go to the barn. You can see why I've been neglecting my internet commitments, right?

So yesterday Sherri and I took Whoopdi and Dixie out into the corn field. I had told her earlier that I would love to run in the corn field one day but I didn't want to go alone. I was pretty worried about Dixie not stopping once we got running. Having a horse run-off with me is kind of a fear of mine, I've just ridden a few horses within the last years who have run off with me. This was one of Dixie's big problems in the beginning. You could definitely say that this was her ultimate test. So we head into the corn field, we start trotting down the rows, everything is going great. Then we spot a huge buck, the horses didn't seem to be horribly bothered by it. Sherri asked Whoopdi if he wanted to go get it and he went off at a trot after it! Dixie of course had to follow! Dixie was trying so hard to keep up with Whoopdi without cantering, I don't think her little legs could go any faster! So that was fun in itself but then we go to the end and started cantering...oh my gosh! It was sooooo much fun. Dixie was so good too! She was actually controlled the entire time, she stopped when I asked her too and went when I did the same. I am just so proud of her!

This is just a quick post but I did update the things that I want to accomplish with Dixie and I took away the horsey items that I've obtained section.

I'll be back with pictures, don't worry!