Saturday, November 29, 2008


So per ImaBronsonBear's request, this will all of my pictures that you haven't seen! And I'm holding you to that sugar and spice!

And yeah I agree with you too, slow cantering can be really nice just going down the trail. It's very relaxing :)

Dixie sporting the very fashionable winter hat...

And now we have Dixie sporting my brand "new" saddle...

A cute picture of two best friends :)

And for the finale, we have what Dixie does best; eating...


ImaBronsonBear said...

Yippee! Pics, i like pics. =) And you shall get gingerbread cookies for Christmas, full of sugar and spice and everything nice! 'Course, i've never made gingerbread cookies before, but there's always a time to do something new! Dixie is so darn pretty, have i ever mentioned that i'm a sucker for roans? You two look awesome together, and i love your new saddle! Looks awesome! Sooooo, now that you've got the saddle and the horse, when are ya gonna start barrel racing???

Annie said...

Haha, yay I'm happy! I get gingerbread cookies! Don't worry, I'll have you test-taste them before I eat any ;)

Thank you so much! I always think she's pretty but it's always nice when somebody else says so. One thing that I love about us being together is the fact that we fit each other! Neither of us are too big for the other.

I really want to start her on the pattern this winter as we will have nothing else to do in the indoor!! And I get out of school in Feb so I'll have plenty of time to play with the horsey! I really really want to go to some fun shows next summer with the BO, that would be awesome!