Thursday, July 17, 2008

There's Hope

I went out early this morning to try and beat the heat. My plan didn't work as just as I was ready to ride, it became humid and extremely hot.

I didn't really do much in the arena, just the normal warm-up and then some transitions between the trot and canter. She did well with that. I then went outside to the trails. She handled this amazingly well compared to the other time. She was bit rushy and didn't always want to go where I wanted her to go but overall she was ok. She is quite the muncher!

After I was done with my trail ride, I went to her pasture to ride in a bit and see how she does. All of her pasturemates were in another pasture because some of the land was being worked on for drainage issues. We rode half way through and she was still fine. I felt so bad because she kept on neighing for her friends but nobody answered, she looked as though she had been abandoned! I gave her bath when I brought her in and snuck fly spray on her, she behaved very well with that! I was so proud of her. Then, when she was finally ready to go back outside, I took her to the pasture where her friends were and she was so happy to see them! It was cute, she neighing with joy and they all came running to see her.

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