Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today Was So Wonderful!!

Today was completely amazing in almost every way possible.

A person that I know from the stable just got what I think is her first horse. He's an adorable 2 year old smokey black gelding. He is so mellow! I really like him, he is the perfect horse for her. The only thing about him is that he is somewhat dead-sided, she had to kick a few times to really get him going. He was a lot better outside though. Me and Dixie were they're buddies for today. Me and her talked while the horses made each other feel more comfortable. You know how horses love their buddy system. Whenever Vegas wouldn't go, I would come up with Dixie and walk or trot right by him to encourage him to go on his own. After we felt like we had a pretty good ride in the arena, we went to some of the big pastures and just walked around. Vegas did amazing! He actually led Dixie through the puddle! I was cracking up laughing at the fact that a 2 year old colt led my 10 year old supposedly ex-trail horse through a puddle of water!

I also realized something new about Dixie today. I think I've always kind of known this but I never put the two together. She is 100% better in the outdoor arena. She's a mess in the indoor while cantering, in the outdoor, she just runs right into it and can balance herself very easily an several different speeds of cantering. I'm not sure what it's about exactly. My theory is the size of the arena but I'm not sure. It could just be that she likes the atmosphere better.

I also rode her in the twisted snaffle today rather than the argentine snaffle and she was wonderful, I'm not going back to the argentine, she has grown so sour to that bit. I still hate having a twisted one but I stay out of her mouth and I'm going to be ordering the waterford and french link sometime soon anyways, probably this week.

I also get my first paycheck tomorrow! Yay!

I work tomorrow for 4 hours, 8 hours on Friday, and 4 hours on Saturday. I'm dreading that 8 hour day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is CatherineandDiamond from forum. I just wanted to drop by and say how much I enjoy reading your blog. It's very well written and entertaining! :)
Keep up the good work!